Keep safe by being SunSmart when you are outside from September to April, especially from 10am to 4pm when the sun’s UV rays are most fierce. Remember, you can still get sunburnt on cloudy or cool days.
Slip in to a shirt or shade.
Slop on plenty of sunscreen at least 15 minutes before going outside.
- Use SPF30+ broad spectrum sunscreen.
- Reapply sunscreen every two hours and after being in water or sweating.
- Sunscreen should be used to reduce the risk of skin damage, not as a way to stay outside longer.
Slap on a hat with a broad rim or a cap with flaps.More people get sunburn on their face and neck than any other part of the body.
Wrap on a pair of wrap-around sunglasses.
Helpful Information (copied from NZ Health Promotion Agency)
NZ Health Promotion Agency
NZ Sunsmart
NationalCancer Control Council of New Zealand
Cancer Society of New Zealand is dedicated to reducing the incidence of cancer and ensuring the best cancer care for everyone in New Zealand. They provide a voice on many issues including cancer detection and treatment.
Melanoma Foundation of New Zealand
MelNet is a network of professionals working together to reduce the incidence and impact of melanoma in New Zealand.
MetService – check out the MetService website for weather forecasts and daily advice on protecting yourself in the sun.
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) provides information about UV radiation, including measurements and daily forecasts of the UV Index (UVI).
Otago University – Cancer Society Social and Behavioural Research Unit
InternationalCancer Council of Victoria
SunSmart Victoria. SunSmart aims to minimise the human cost of skin cancer in Victoria. They have also taken a leadership role promoting a balance between the benefits and harms of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure and the links with vitamin D. The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) and Cancer Council Victoria jointly fund SunSmart.
Dear 16-year-old me. This short film. produced by the David Cornfield Melanoma Fund, is a strong reminder of the dangers of melanoma and the need for ongoing education and awareness of this potentially very serious form of skin cancer. It was made possible thanks to the generosity of people whose lives have been touched by melanoma. These are not actors.