
The current clubroom was built in 2003 after a devastating fire destroyed the original one at Lakeview. The clubroom provides a central place for happy hours and also for club events such as committee meetings, discos, quiz nights and generally catching up with friends and spinning a yarn. There are no cooking facilities in the clubroom so people bring their own refreshments. The members look after and clean the club rooms.In the winter the log fire provides a lot of heat and a great spot for meeting up with friends.
Kitchens and showers
There are kitchens and showers throughout the grounds for washing and dishes. They are gas heated and donation boxes for use of the gas are inside each building. Although they are cleaned regularly by the custodian it is expected that members leave them just as they find them. New facilities are planned for Top End in the near future.
The barbecues near the club accommodation are for visitors and members staying in the club accommodation. The barbecue near the club room is for members use. Again it is anticipated that members will keep the barbecues in a clean condition for others who follow them.
The club woodshed
Winter supplies of wood are close to the clubroom to keep the winter fires burning. This is restocked at the Labour weekend working bee.